Goals and Accomplishments

Our Vision

Our initial intentions were to clean up our site by weeding and pruning. We then approached the idea of introducing new species of plants such as Wild Strawberry or Kinnikinnick for low ground cover. We also wanted to discover more about the plants in our area by performing plant identification and habitat types. We also wanted to transplant one or two of our Vine Maples out because they were a little crowded, but unfortunately we were unable to do so at this time.


Our Accomplishments

In our site we weeded out all of the Horsetails and Creeping Buttercup. We also cut back the Blackberry vines which had trailed their way into every nook and cranny of our site. We also thought it would be beneficial to some of the plants if we pruned them back a bit. Through the time we spent at our site we have become very comfortable with plant identification and know most every plant species that resides within our area and due to this research we have learned a good deal of leaf morphology. Also through our observations we were able to distinguish that there were separate habitats within our site.

On top of the work we did at our physical site, we also researched medicinal values and uses for each plant along with what plants we might procure and add to our area. 


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